Terminons ce mois de mars, avec notre sélection d’UX animations qui, je l’espère, vous donnera de l’inspiration pour vos projets.

Vous y trouverez : une fantastique tabbar, un incroyable formulaire, un concept d’identification Shazam et d’autres surprises ! Toutes ces UI animations pourront non seulement faciliter l’utilisation de votre site, mais raviront également vos utilisateurs.

GIF of the Tap Bar Concept by Sergey Valiukh
GIF of the Tap Bar Concept by Sergey Valiukh
Health App Login by Jakub Antalík
Health App Login by Jakub Antalík
Google Search by Safa Paksu
Google Search by Safa Paksu
3DTouch to home by Javi Pérez
3DTouch to home by Javi Pérez
Flag & Unflag by CDY
Flag & Unflag by CDY
Tofind sneak peek #3 by Leo Leung
Tofind sneak peek #3 by Leo Leung
Camera VS Selfie by Damjan Stankovic
Camera VS Selfie by Damjan Stankovic
Sundance Film Festival Re-Concept by Ben Mingo
Sundance Film Festival Re-Concept by Ben Mingo
B&O Play App by Jardson Almeida
B&O Play App by Jardson Almeida
Liquid Pull Down by Ramotion
Liquid Pull Down by Ramotion
Be amazing today by Anna Gerasymenko
Be amazing today by Anna Gerasymenko
Cash Deposit Animation by Michael Sambora
Cash Deposit Animation by Michael Sambora
Tagging Shazam by roger bacardit
Tagging Shazam by roger bacardit
Animated Tab Bar Icons by Indee Mobile
Animated Tab Bar Icons by Indee Mobile
Rendez-vous le mois prochain pour un nouveau numéro d’UX ANIMATIONS.

Rémi TAIEB – Lead UX-Designer @UX-Republic