The place of data in the design process

Qualitative and quantitative data will accompany you throughout the design process and the latter should be understood as a major asset. Indeed, this data will guide your decision making and will represent a strong argument in the exchanges that you will have with your interlocutors. This data approach will help you not only to become aware of the existing situation but also to contextualize the problem of your subject.

Atomic Research Webinar

[Replay] – Atomic Research Meetup

With this replay you will be able to learn more about this innovative method which will save you time. First-rate players in the banking, insurance and Retail sector will share their feedback with you and we will have the chance to discuss with Daniel Pidcock who participated in theorizing and industrializing this method.

Pass an unmoderated remote user test

Remote user testing is being practiced more and more: with the Covid, we have gone beyond the automation of face-to-face, and this type of test makes it possible to question profiles in several countries without traveling or recruiting teams in these countries.

Why You Should Implement a UX Research System

Throughout the process of designing and developing a product, research intervenes on several occasions. But “simply” doing the appropriate user research at some point in the development process may not be enough. If you want to evaluate your data thoroughly and continuously while keeping a simple and efficient UX research process, you need a system. The next logical step, then, is to develop a UX research system that your team and business embrace.

Some ideas for improving data representation

Consumption monitoring, performance statistics, results comparison. Most digital tools and applications today require the presence of Data Visualization – the visual structuring of collected and stored data. This is why we are starting to pay more and more attention to the quality of the presentation of data for which the few rules presented below can help you.

The 10 most common cognitive biases

Cognitive bias is a deformation of our brain that will repeatedly alter our judgment in a given situation. Decision-making will therefore be distorted. We are all affected by these biases on a daily basis. Often easy to detect in others, it is very complicated to perceive them at home.