Boost your projects and go from idea to concept in 5 days.
Validate a concept, service or product by A few days. Make mistakes quickly to rule out errors and move towards the right solution even faster. Make sure to create value for users AND for Business.
Our approach makes it possible to choreograph human interactions, technologies and internal procedures within complex systems.
• Definition
A problem solving methodology, proof of concept or test new ideas in just 5 days
• Objectives
The Design Sprint allows you to take a shortcut in the method to validate and test a concept without going through development and launch
• Benefits
Obtain an immediate result
Test the potential before starting production
Limiter the risks and pivot if necessary
| Why should you sprint design?
| Origin
Originally developed by Jake Knapp who worked at Google Ventures (Google's startup division).
The Design Sprint was born in 2010 and the method has been shaped and tested at home for several years.
Methodology has been developed for:
• Solve problems
• Test hypotheses and new ideas
• Validate or invalidate a concept
The Design Sprint thus makes it possible to finding innovative responses to complex and strategic issues.
|The place:
01 • Monday Understand
Define the long term vision. Understand users and context. Identify the target. Plan the week.
02 • Tuesday To diverge
Seek solutions based on inspiring achievements and through ideation.
03 • Wednesday Decide
Choose the best idea among all the solutions. Storyboard it.
04 • Thursday Prototypes
Build the solution to test. Make sure everything is ready for testing the next day.
05 • Friday Test
To pass the tests, to learn from its realization. Decide what to do next.
| An offer that can be configured to your needs:
"ESSENTIAL" The basic device.
The proven and consolidated UX-REPUBLIC formula: 1 Sprint Master + 1 UX.
“REINFORCEMENT” Optional expertise.
Our Research, UX, UI, DEV or PO expertise in addition to perfect your solution.
O1 | “ESSENTIAL” offer
The Sprint Master and UX Designer duo, with you,
to lead the Design Sprint
The Sprint Master ensures the smooth running of the Sprint, he animates the workshops and is responsible for the method throughout the week.
– It guarantees the timing and the course of the workshops
- He is making it easier the teamwork
– He makes the connection with business teams
– He makes sure the quality of research
The UX Designer participates with the Design Sprint team for the entire duration of the sprint, he is responsible for the prototype tested at the end of the 5 days.– It guarantees centered vision users
– He prototypes and facilitates co-construction prototyping
– It ensures consistency of production as a whole
– He performs the tests users
| Prep time
1 days
The Sprint Master and the UX Designer prepare the sprint and the Research Deck with the business teams, he organizes the schedule for the week.
| Rotary
5 days
The Sprint Master and the UX Designer ensure the smooth running of the Sprint and ensure the workshop days with the help of the team.
| Restitution
2 days
The Sprint Master analyzes all the outputs of the Sprint, and ensures the restitution (1 day).
The UX Designer refines and consolidates the prototype post user tests (2 days).
| Our Service
8 days
8 days of service with our Sprint Master and our UX Designer.
Our expertise in options, for further
The UX Designer ensures the continuity of support in order to guarantee the consistency and quality of the deliverable BEFORE to set a solid foundation for the Design Sprint– Dress thestate of the art and map the existing
– Capitalize on Previous work
– Conduct a User or Market Research if needed
– Push the iterations on the prototype
– Enroll in a product vision beyond the models
- To give concept life
| Understand the users and the market
User Researcher
- He questions users, market, experts
- He brings a user-centric vision
- Il fabric the user experience
| Adapt the prototype to your brand image
UI Designer
- It affixes the brand image
- It guarantees graphic consistency
- It completes the UX Designer
| Make the prototype functional
Junior Backend Developer (Intern)
- It is part of an MVP logic
- He gives advice technical
- He gives life to prototype
| Build a first backlog of your solution
Product Owner
- He brings the pragmatic vision
- It captures the vision patented
- It offers a projection projet
A full pool to join your team and offer a boost to your project.
The strength of a team multidisciplinary meeting over a week.
Let's define the complete combination to take your project even further.
Our offices
163 quay of Doctor Dervaux 92600 Asnières-sur-Seineparis@ux-republic.com
2 Rue du Jardin de l’Ars 33800 Bordeauxbordeaux@ux-republic.com
Boulevard de Stalingrad 69100 Villeurbannelyon@ux-republic.com
Boulevard Louis XIV, 59800 Lillelille@ux-republic.com
12 Avenue de Broqueville, B-1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierrebelgium@ux-republic.com
Route de la Longeraie, 1110 Morgesswitzerland@ux-republic.com
Rue Emile Mark, Differdangeluxembourg@ux-republic.com
Leidseveer, 3511 SB Utrechtnederland@ux-republic.com