[Replay] – Atomic Research Meetup

Atomic Research or how to get the most out of your user data?
Replay of the webinar of September 27, 2022

How to make the most of your user knowledge if it is scattered? Often hosted on the only tools available in each service, it is impossible to cross them. Worse, your teams may be conducting similar studies and surely making the same mistakes when they could be avoided if the lessons of some were shared with others.

Atomic Research is an approach directly inspired by Atomic Design to industrialize and make the most of the information you already have by sharing and pooling it across your entire organization and all of your digital products.

Some of the many advantages of this method:

– Data is no longer scattered,
– Your data is no longer forgotten,
– You save time on your user research
and look only for the missing links,
– The results of user studies are shared.

With this replay you will be able to learn more about this innovative method which will save you time. First-rate players in the banking, insurance and Retail sector will share their feedback with you and we will have the chance to discuss with Daniel Pidcock who participated in theorizing and industrializing this method.

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