Our next Meetups! (March and April)

UX-Republic has decided to have a very important bias, to develop the community in the UX and Front-end Development professions. It is with this in mind that we host a monthly meetup on UX or Javascript on our premises.


For this first meetup, we will discuss the Dataviz of your digital interfaces. They represent one of the main challenges of Big Data. These representations are now at the heart of the user experience.
To give an idea of ​​the immensity of the volume of data available, one figure: each year one zettabyte (i.e. 1 bytes) of data is digitized and stored! This is more in one year than before 000 in 000 years.
A major issue is hidden behind these staggering figures.
How to make this data visible? How to make them understandable and accessible to all?
To answer and understand these questions full of challenges, Yann Cadoret and a team of experts will present several experiences in this area.
In short, a theme not to be missed when creating your interfaces!


The theme is so vast, but also so interesting that we will do a second evening on theUX and mobility.
En 2014 linternet audience has shifted a lot from desktop with to sites and mobile or tablet applications, we speak in France of + 68% visitors on mobile sites and + 45% on applications! It is essential to provide the best possible experience to all its users!

It is on this theme that Roman Landsberg et Sébastien Bertin will come and talk to us about the importance of incorporating theUX in mobile interfaces!

For these two meetups, we hope that you will all be there, we have planned very nice speakers and very nice evenings in perspective. We hope lots of you come !

UX-Republic invite you :
156 Boulevard Haussmann
March 26, 2015 at 19:30 p.m. (JS-STAR.PARIS)
April 21, 2015 at 19 p.m. (STARDUX.PARIS)
