Impostor syndrome: all concerned?

A feedback from personal experience, for use by all

balloon man impostor syndrome
Any UX-Designer is brought to moments of doubt, questioning, questioning.
Have you ever found yourself on a mission where you wondered what you were doing there? 
To give a workshop for which you thought you were not in your place? Not daring to ask for a promotion or apply for a job because you didn't feel up to it?
Welcome to the wonderful world of impostor syndrome.

What is it ?

Imposter Syndrome is an experience that almost all of us go through at different times in our lives. It consists in thinking that at any moment, someone will come and declare that we are fraudsters, storytellers, … in short, we have no place here at all.
illustration about fear

Illustration : Bradford Veley, Imposter Syndrome, 2014 

Does everyone feel?

This syndrome affects 70% of the human population and more particularly the women, minorities (whatever they are) and the high potential people. The impostor syndrome leads to constant doubts about their success, their career, and even their legitimacy.
But who am I to talk about it? A psychologist, an expert in sociology or even a great scientist in the search for the depths of the human psyche? No. Simply a UX-Designer for whom this syndrome had a huge impact on his life.
crowd of people

Why do we feel it in our professions?

User experience is a fairly young industry that is growing at high speed. Thus, for us, each mission is a first time : we discover a new sector, a new methodology, a new workshop, etc.

UX love the T

UX Designers have what are called T skills: a very broad knowledge in quite varied fields: ergonomics, psychology, interface design, development, user tests... With, for each, more in-depth knowledge in one or more of these areas. This leads us to rub shoulders with many people mastering areas of which we have only a rather vague knowledge. Not easy is it?
explore fagnon

If you find yourself asking yourself “Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?” chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.

-Steven Pressfield The War of Art

From doubt to solution

UX is also an area that requires a lot of questioning. We are constantly called upon to propose hypotheses, imagining solutions, new ways of thinking… which are then sent to the battlefield of user testing and which sometimes end up being bitter failures. If this is an integral part of our methodology, these moments remain difficult to live sometimes on a personal level.


Go higher

Finally, there is what is called The Gap. This “gap” you feel between what you would like to accomplish and what your current skills allow you. This hollow is common to a lot of professions. The good news is that as you progress through your career, it is bound to dwindle as you gain experience and increase in skill.

Beat It!

I'm not going to let you expose something you're going through and add nothing, that would be too cruel. The good news is that I managed to overtake him. After some time as a freelancer, one day I decided to snap everything and I left my country to join UX Republic whom I had admired for three years (and no, they did not threaten me for writing this).
climb the ladder

ACT I: The Road So Far

We spend our time comparing ourselves to others, envying certain careers. It allows us to set goals, but the impact on our mind is huge. Take the time, instead, to look back.

What have you accomplished? Where are you from ? What have already been your successes, your diplomas, your successful projects?

You will realize that, if you have some road left, the one you have already traveled is gigantic.

ACT II: Talk about it

If this syndrome makes us think that we have to hide ourselves so as not to reveal our imposture, opening up about it will make you realize how widespread it is. Suddenly you will find that even the people you admire feel it and no, you are not alone.

There are still days when I wake up feeling like a fraud, not sure I should be where I am.

– Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

ACT III: Accept failure

Our profession is made of failures, it is with this method of trial and error that we evolve towards the best possible solution. Nobody has the infused science, you very rarely manage to find the best solution for a project right away. See failure as learning, one step closer to what you need to achieve.

ACT IV: Aggregate positive feedback

For years, I have taken the time to keep a document in which I note all the positive comments I have received. Whether on a personal or professional level, this file is a huge source of support in my moments of doubt. It allows me to refocus on what others objectively think of me and not on my subjective feelings that are sometimes too damaged.

ACT V: Self Gratitude

Every morning I take the time to write in a small notebook three positives about me. It's not easy every morning, it sometimes requires thinking, but forcing yourself to find three positive points gently forces you to improve the image you have of yourself.

ACT VI: Dare.

The most difficult, but the one that will bring you the most. Even if fear grips you, dare apply for this position, dare to take on this project or organize this workshop. You will slowly realize that you are not alone, and that things aren't so terrifying once you face them.


By talking about your problems you will find that others share them. Do not hesitate to give time during your journey to listen to others and advise. For 4 years I have been giving time anonymously on a self-help site (7 Cups), I was able to meet very diverse life experiences, sometimes very difficult. But as I helped other people, being present and listening, I realized that my vision of my problems was getting softer.
you'll get it eventually

But I'm still scared!

So take these keys in hand and apply them in your life. You are capable of accomplishing great things (yes even you in the back by the window), each of us has something unique to offer the world. These gifts are a gift that we have all received, so do not deprive us of them, go for it, dare, offer yourself to this world that is waiting for you.

Take Away

Dare to put yourself forward, even if you are afraid. Talk, exchange, try. And use the seven keys:

  • Look at what you've accomplished
  • Talk about your feelings with colleagues
  • Accept the possibility of failure
  • Keep all the compliments you receive
  • Write down 3 positive things about yourself every day
  • Dare to take risks
  • Help other people, if only by listening to them