UX in French

UX-Republic collaborators very often have to interact with collaborators from all over the world. They lead workshops, write and design in English.

We regularly conduct masterclasses in English to enrich your vocabulary and be “top of the top” during the workshops. We have decided to share with you a list of vocabulary to master. Enjoy!

Do you speak UX English?
Photo by freestocks.org

Affordance > Affordability

 Ergonomics > Ergonomics

User journey > User journey

Iteration > Iteration

Scenario > Screenwriting

Information Architecture > Hhierarchy

Commitment > Commitment

Breadcrumb > Breadcrumb trail

Grid > Grid

Conversion rate > Conversion rate

Rebound rate > Rebound rate

Conversion funnel > Ctunnel version

Tree structure > Tre-view


Usability > Usability

graphical charter > Sstyle guide

Leading > Leading

Project Manager > Project Manager

Sketch > Sketch

The goal > Purpose

MODELS > Mock-up


And don't forget :
Many hands make light work!

Romain Landsberg with Kaouthar Zouari