#Top IOT on home security

Among the crowd of connected objects for home security, here is a selection of the best #ioT projects for their originality and performance.


# 1 – Orbii or BB-8?

orbii orbii02


With Orbii, you can browse your rooms and check that everything is fine! It's like BB-8 but smaller. Orbii will go where you tell it to go through the app and will even retain the course. It has multiple sensors (sounds, movements, temperature, carbon monoxide, camera…) and sends alerts by text or notifications.

You can find it on Indiegogo.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydzBIIPSkx8&w=560&h=315]

# 2 – Comfylight, the genius of the lamp


It's a small light bulb like any other except that it is connected with you and your home. It records your living habits and makes sure that if you go on vacation your house will still look lived in. It is also economical and turns on or off depending on who enters or leaves the room.
You can find it on Kickstarter.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH3X2CUH2do&w=560&h=315]

# 3 – Dojo, Zen


Once connected to wifi, Dojo helps secure the network and filter data by identifying and blocking suspicious activity. It will notify you through the application and its brightness if everything is fine (green, orange, red). In addition Dojo will also be able to update home devices.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsS142K2idE&w=560&h=315]

# 4 – Ulo, we ululate with pleasure



Ulo is a small connected surveillance camera. To be used everywhere, you can clip it, put it down... If it detects an abnormal movement, it sends an email with a photo and a notification. In addition to monitoring remotely or taking and recording images, it can also follow you by its gaze thanks to its motion detector. Ulo communicates with you through her eyes (which you can customize) for example: she closes her eyes when the battery is low, greets you when you pass by, etc.
Ulo is on kickstarter.

[Vimeo 140589739 w = h = 640 360]


Thank you for your attention !

See you soon for the rest of the IOT selections

Laetitia Sainte Croix, UX-Activist @UXRepublic