UX CALENDAR – DECEMBER 2 – Let’s get UX green for 2023

Recently, I had the chance to participate in the training on the theme of eco-design led by Christophe Clouzeau within the walls of UX Républic.
Christophe is a figure in this environment since he participated in the development of the General Framework for the Eco-design of Digital Services made public since 2021 (RGESN). (1)

UX CALENDAR – DECEMBER 1 – Meeting with Benjamin, UI-UX Designer at UX Republic.

Let's meet Benjamin! A young man who knew how to provoke his chance to do a job that he likes and that has value. Always in search of meaning in his missions, he is now a confirmed UI-UX designer, able to adapt to client needs: user experience, motion design, print or photography hold no secrets for him.
I let you discover our exchange and his several lives that have forged his resourceful and persevering character.

The place of data in the design process

Qualitative and quantitative data will accompany you throughout the design process and the latter should be understood as a major asset. Indeed, this data will guide your decision making and will represent a strong argument in the exchanges that you will have with your interlocutors. This data approach will help you not only to become aware of the existing situation but also to contextualize the problem of your subject.


Universal design is a strategy that aims to design and develop different information environments, products, technologies and services that are accessible, understandable and usable by everyone in the most natural way possible, without having to resort to solutions requiring adaptation or special design.

Thus, the idea of ​​accessible UX/UI design aims to make life easier for anyone by also making products and services accessible, usable, and understandable. It focuses on users by following a global approach and seeking to meet the needs of people with disabilities, as well as those of aging people.

Atomic Research Webinar

[Replay] – Atomic Research Meetup

With this replay you will be able to learn more about this innovative method which will save you time. First-rate players in the banking, insurance and Retail sector will share their feedback with you and we will have the chance to discuss with Daniel Pidcock who participated in theorizing and industrializing this method.

Pass an unmoderated remote user test

Remote user testing is being practiced more and more: with the Covid, we have gone beyond the automation of face-to-face, and this type of test makes it possible to question profiles in several countries without traveling or recruiting teams in these countries.