JS-Star Eve #2

js-republicTwice a month we send you in this blog the articles found during our JavaScript watch, which inspired us the most.
If these topics interest you, we are expecting many of you at our JS-Star meetup
Let's go ! Good reading !

Tweet by Ilya Grigorik on Chromium
Chromium headless already usable (after installing Chromium…)


Don't use fn.bind(this) in render Do not use the connective in the method yield ReactJS components, it's counter-efficient!


a guy behind a macbook

With CSS we learn every day, even with old stuff!


Complete explanation on how to do TDD (Test Driven Development) in ReactJS with Enzyme


Dutch people tell us how their site is faster than yours



What is a router for and how does it work?


css refactoring

It's about Technical Debt, Tunnel Effect, and Isolation in a CSS Refactoring Context

The whole team @JS-Republic
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