≣ Objective of the training

Universal design is a strategy that aims to design and develop different information environments, products, technologies and services that are accessible, understandable and usable by everyone in the most natural way possible, without having to resort to solutions requiring adaptation or special design.

Thus, the idea of ​​accessible UX/UI design aims to simplify everyone's life by also making products and services accessible, usable and understandable. It focuses on users by following a global approach and seeking to meet the needs of people with disabilities, as well as those of aging people.

At the end of this training, you will know:
  • To acquire best practices in graphic design and interaction to create accessible web content;
  • Use tools for designing and verifying deliverables;
  • Produce un Design System accessible.

≣ Appreciation of the training

This training is new to the UX-Republic catalog.

Overall average: -/10

  1. Organization assessment: - / 4
  2. Goal assessment: - / 4
  3. Evaluation of the service: - / 4

The ratings will be the synthesis of the cumulative assessments of our trainees.

≣ Pedagogical and technical modality

During this day, you will benefit from an immersive training experience.

This short training allows you to understand the issues of accessibility when designing interfaces and interactions for digital technology and to acquire the knowledge necessary to take it into account for the design of interfaces (UI) and interactions (UX). A consultant-trainer will accompany you in the realization of the various practices and their expectations.

Our training courses are based on the know-how of our consultants and partners. Arnaud Delafosse has been a Quality and Web Accessibility expert at Temesis since 2017.

Our curriculum is designed according to the following principles:

  • Répartition learning time between 70% theory & 30% practice
  • Expose situation
  • Trades regularly with the trainer and the participants
  • Practical work based on the analysis of wireframes and graphic models
  • Availability resources (online tools and bibliographical references)
  • Evaluation and analysis by a trainer-consultant expert in digital accessibility

Educational materials: each of the learners has a USB key with the training materials (and/or sent by email if necessary).

Educational material: provision of materials for the various practical applications (post-its, felt-tip pens, tape, scissors, etc.).

Technology: a large screen is used for projecting training material and practical exercises.


A 3-month access to OpenClassrooms is included to ensure a 360° increase in skills, know-how and know-how.
You will receive an email giving access to the OpenClassrooms platform when your training experience begins.

For this training, we recommend the course “Exercise your critical thinking".


Learners with disabilities, we are at your side to identify the most suitable arrangements for teaching methods and materials or the relevant human aids.

For more information, contact our disability referent: referent-handicap.training@ux-republic.com / 01 44 94 90 70

≣ Duration of training

  • Duration: 7 hours spread over 1 day

≣ Evaluative modalities

  • A knowledge check in the form of MCQs or practical exercises is carried out during and at the end of the training. It allows to validate and take back the points not assimilated.
  • A certificate of completion of a training action is sent to the learner.
  • A copy of the attendance sheet is sent to the sponsor.

≣ Peripheral aspects of training

  • Place of training : face-to-face in our training room
  • Meals : breakfast, meals and all other snacks and drinks are offered

≣ Prerequisites

≣ Audiences concerned

The training is aimed at all user and customer experience professionals (BtoB, BtoC, BtoE):
UX-Design / UI-Design / Product Designer / Product Owner / Product Manager / Data Analyst / Digital Transformation Consultant / …

≣ Method and access times

  • To be definitive, an order must be expressly formulated on paper via the registration form on our site. For any registration, an acknowledgment of receipt and the training agreement are sent to the registration manager.
  • Access times may differ from 1 to 15 days depending on the method of payment. For all companies resident in France, the payment of the price of the training is to be made upon receipt of the invoice. For all companies resident outside France and people with a self-employed activity, the payment of the price of the training is to be made before the day of the training, in cash and without discount.

Time program

Day 1: Raising awareness of digital accessibility

1 - 1
Colors and contrasts
- Contrast of text, interface elements and graphic elements
- Information by color
- Examples of tests with the tools
1 - 2
Text content and typography
- Character size and spacing
- Hidden content
- Text in an image
- Good practices
- Text structuring and text alternatives
1 - 3
- Visibility and perception of focus
- Focus order
1 - 4
- Label, input help, mandatory character and placeholder
- Error management
- Submission of sensitive data
1 - 5
Links and navigation
- Two means of navigation
- Skip links
- Explicit titles
- RGAA – accessibility and compliance status page
1 - 6
- Accessibility of controls
- Video or audio files and alternatives
1 - 7
Mobile uses
- Simple gestures
- Orientation
- Responsive (Reflow)
1 - 8
Deliverables (towards a Design System)
- Accessible colors and states
- Functional/UX aspects (Annotation Kit)


December 01, 2022,


9 AM - 30 PM

Price excl.VAT





163 quay of Doctor Dervaux 92600 Asnières-sur-Seine

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  • Date
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