Our new brand image


Changing the logo for a company is a step rich in questions about the work accomplished and the path traveled since the first days.
These reflections force us to put down the pencils and raise our heads to imagine our next image, our next points of contact.
It is besides the head held high that we look back on these almost five years spent at the speed of light.

Research of the 1st UX-Republic logo
Research of the 1st UX-Republic logo
This adventure was nourished by successes, questions, twists and above all meetings: with our clients, who were able to understand the challenges of UX-Design and allowed us to put the user back at the heart of the design process.
But above all we met of people incredible, talented et ambitious : they are our collaborators. They brought their history, their expertise and their desire to our company to make it a team of minds.

This is an opportunity to say thank you to the first crazy people who believed in us five years ago.

For the most part, they occupy strategic positions with us or participate in the creation of structures that we support.


We will be 100 UX'iens in the next few weeks.
We had to transform ourselves, rethink some of our businesses to remain pragmatic and best meet the needs of our customers.
We also open a UX and Development center in Bordeaux, which will be our first site in the provinces.
This is a big evolution in the history of UX-Republic.

These five years have also been an opportunity to implement and embody our value #SHARE with:
⦿ The blog, which accumulates about 400 views per year
⦿ The UX Star Meetups, which brought together the greatest French and foreign UX-Designers with thousands of people
⦿ The UX Cards, of which more than a thousand copies were distributed.

And so many moments of exchange with the French UX community!

UX-Republic life
We created brand images piecemeal, and we had to harmonize these individual successes in a charter Options, identifiable et become the trusted reference in used cars market.


During the first meeting, we asked ourselves:

Should we keep our flag or completely overhaul our image?

Exploratory tracks
Exploratory tracks
The answer ? The flag is our emblem, it symbolizes our desire to conquer new territories and to venture where we are not expected: to stay on the move, daring and always favoring the opportunities that present themselves to us.
And indeed, we still have many areas to explore: the user experience is not limited to the screen and we must be present in the design of service, experience but also within the physical paths: be creators of global experience. 

Our conclusion? To abandon the flag would have meant having arrived at its destination. And we are not there. What we want to keep is our spirit of explorers!


This flag guides us in strong directions:

⦿ Be consistent across all of our brands
⦿ Be identifiable, be unique
⦿ Be scalable to anticipate the future
We are happy and proud to present our new brand image.


From coherence comes calm


With this new logo, we continue the road with the flag but we leave the serif for a tailor-made typography. It brings calm to our whole, to make it more coherent.

Why this name?

Flag = flag | Ship = ship | Flagship = Admiral ship

UX-Republic is indeed the flagship of this entrepreneurial adventure.
Once the logo was created, we worked on a manifest book that summarizes our image, our DNA and our corporate vision.

UX-Republic -Manifesto
UX-Republic -Manifesto
Then each event was reviewed and redesigned globally to give a coherent whole.
I let you discover all the logos that will punctuate our next years.

We hope that in the coming weeks you will come across these logos during your readings on the blog, a Meetup in our premises, a business card in your teams or during an interview to join our teams or any other quality moment, d customer intimacy, pragmatism and sharing...

“The further you can look into the past, the further into the future you will see.”

Winston Churchill