At UX-REPUBLIC we are a pure player in user-centered design.

We work with 4 hands with our customers, 'in management mode', by deploying and merging ourselves among their collaborators, by team of excellence to define and prototype effective interfaces.

 What we don't do:

  • Any activity of development and hosting of applications for mobile phones, tablets and any development of mobile Internet sites.
  • Any IT development intended to go directly into production.

Indeed, our developers are hyper-specialists in HTML, CSS and JS. They are not experts in Back-office technologies and databases. We are able to prototype your screens better than anyone else, but not to interface them with your IS. We therefore do not develop functional applications and do not host any services for our customers.

What we do: UX Design Thinking

UX Design Thinking' is a structured, iterative approach designed to generate and develop ideas.
Thanks to short development cycles to make the "time to market" more reliable and encourage innovation.
Our experts guide our customers through this methodology and will make you discover the strengths of user-centered design through workshops or expert tools:
[separator type=”short” size=”” icon=”fa fa-refresh”] [row] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”search” with_circle=”1″ title=”Ergonomic audit” link =”” img=””] Ergonomic audit, cognitive inspection, or heuristic evaluation, the audit can take different forms but aims to evaluate an existing service by following a precise methodology. [/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-th” with_circle=”1″ title=”Card sorting” link=”” img=””] Sorting by map is a method for designing the information architecture based on a classification of terms made by users. [/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-users” with_circle=”1″ title=”Personas” link=”” img=””]Possible user archetypes of the service or application that designers can refer to when designing.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [/row]

[row] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-list-alt” with_circle=”1″ title=”Wireframe” link=”” img=””]Detailed description of the screens in the form of “wire” models, allowing the position, size and content of each element to be fixed without addressing the graphic aspects.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-check-square-o” with_circle=”1″ title=”User test” link=”” img=””]The purpose of a user test is to identify ergonomic problems in order to correct them. The number of users needed varies depending on the site and the percentage of problem to be found.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-columns” with_circle=”1″ title=”Prototype” link=”” img=””]Realistic model with the most advanced level of interactions, allowing for example to implement user tests on all or part of the service. [/iconbox] [/one_third] [/row]
[row] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”sitemap” with_circle=”1″ title=”Information Architecture” link=”” img=””] Information Architecture is the categorization of information into a coherent structure adapted to the target user population.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-list-ol” with_circle=”1 ″ title=”System Usability Scale” link=”” img=””] Questionnaire composed of ten questions which collect the subjective point of view of the user on a service.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”file-text” with_circle=”1″ title=”Guidelines” link=”” img=””] Document specifying all Human Machine Interface aspects in order to allow a coherent design.
Example: iOS Human Interface Guideline. [/iconbox] [/one_third] [/row]
[row] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”eye” with_circle=”1″ title=”Shadowing” link=”” img=””]In situ observation of user activity in order to understand the real activity, its constraints, its needs and formalize the whole. It makes it possible to distinguish the prescribed activity.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-code-fork” with_circle=”1″ title=”Navigation” link=” ” img=””]Defines the different navigation modes: menu, return to homepage, links, actions,… in the site or service, as well as the means of identification.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [one_third ] [iconbox iconpos=”left” icon=”fa fa-sort-amount-asc” with_circle=”1″ title=”Detailed specifications” link=”” img=””]Document specifying the set of elements at the interface of a service or a site. Navigation, nomenclature, for example are found in this document as well as description of all interactions.[/iconbox] [/one_third] [/row]