Customer Experience, role of the UX-Designer [ECV Digital White Paper]

A partnership with ECV Digital

As part of a partnership with theECV Digital, we will share a white paper with you every month. This month, discover Customer experience: designing an engaging and cross-functional experience, by Jennifer and Solène, students of the Master UX-Design at ECV Digital.
We are convinced that it is important to give visibility to this end-of-studies work. Students share their views on UX Design and digital, more generally.
Customer experience
We would like to encourage them in this direction by contributing to the dissemination of their work. We are enriched by the multiplicity of these speeches.

Together, we contribute to increasing expertise in our field.

These white papers are an opportunity to revisit familiar topics and explore new territories. This month, we offer you a focus on one of the big questions of the moment: customer experience...

One white paper, two authors

Jennifer Esnos
Graduated with a degree in project management and then a master's degree in UX Design. Jennifer is now a UX/UI Designer in Montreal. Designing a pleasant customer experience is, for her, a key point in differentiating from the competition today.
Solene Berthet
Holder of a BTS in communication and a master's degree in UX Design, Solène is particularly interested in the fields of cognitive psychology, experiential marketing and Design Thinking.

Customer experience, in a nutshell

Customer Experience is part of User Experience if we refer to Don Norman's definition. In this approach, UX refers to a global experience experienced by an individual. From the in-store experience, to packaging and via interfaces, the digital ecosystem is evolving.
In their white paper titled CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: Designing an engaging and cross-functional experience, Solène & Jennifer share their vision of Customer Experience, a term that seems to them, today, to be the most appropriate in the definition of a global experience for a brand.
Through examples, they decipher the different human mechanisms and the specificities of the different points of contact in order to help design experiences that are both engaging and cross-functional for users. The two authors share their vision of the role of the UX-Designer and his place between the brand and the consumers.
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Authors: Solene Berthet UX& Jennifer Esnos / Background: Sébastien Faure, Learning & Development Manager / Head of Content
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