sprint design paper kit with stickers and post-its

Why is training in Design Sprint a must?

The Design Sprint has revolutionized the way we approach innovation and problem solving. This article will take you to the heart of this creative methodology, it will explain why it has become essential for digital companies and why training in… Read the article

Why integrate SEO as part of a site redesign?

SEO overhaul is a crucial process for any business wanting to stay competitive in today's market. In this article, we'll explore the risks associated with a poorly managed redesign, the potential benefits of a well-executed redesign, and the key steps to achieving this... Read the article

Value Proposal Design Template

Get out your scissors! Today on the blog we offer you a model, or template in the language of Shakespeare, for the Value Proposition Design workshop! Value Proposal? Invented by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, the Value Proposition Design workshop aims to define … Read the article