[UX Calendar] Mobile-first indexing: user experience at the heart of the search engine

The digital world is evolving at lightning speed, transforming our online interactions and the way we access information. One of the major pivots of this evolution is the move to “Mobile-First Indexing”, a strategy adopted by search engines to favor mobile versions of websites.

What is a search engine index?

The index of a search engine represents the base grouping together the pages or sites referenced by this engine from which it selects the most relevant content for a given query. .

Being included in an engine's index is the first step to appearing in search results. However, this does not guarantee visibility, especially if the page is too far down the results pages.

For a page to be indexed, it must first be accessible to the search engine's crawler.

The search engine giant, Google, has over 130 trillion pages indexed.

Google, great actor of change

Before the advent of the Mobile-First concept, the famous search engine had already reported that the vast majority of searches were carried out via mobile devices. He also specified that their index would be focused on mobile-friendly content.

The groundbreaking Mobile-First Indexing (MFI) initiative, launched by Google in 2019, represents a major shift in the way sites are indexed and ranked in search results. But beyond its technical impact, this approach highlights user experience as a central priority for search engines.

The AMP format transition

Another major development in the mobile indexing landscape concerns the AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) format. Originally introduced as a way to deliver lightning-fast, mobile-optimized web pages, AMP has undergone a significant change. Google has announced that AMP will no longer be a ranking criterion for search results, marking a notable change in the way mobile pages are evaluated for ranking. The move encourages developers and publishers to explore other ways to optimize their mobile websites, promoting a more holistic approach to mobile user experience.

The essence of Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile-First Indexing is based on a simple but crucial principle: prioritizing the experience of mobile users. Now, Google and other search engines analyze the mobile version of a site first to assess its relevance and quality. This strategic transition stems from changing online behaviors: an overwhelming majority of Internet users access sites via mobile devices. Thus, to guarantee relevant search results adapted to this reality, focusing on mobile versions has become imperative.

The evolution of web design standards

Mobile-First Indexing has brought about a significant transformation in web design standards. Now, developers and designers are now striving to create “mobile-friendly” sites from the design phase, emphasizing ease of use and accessibility on mobile devices. This approach fundamentally revolutionizes the way websites are designed, placing performance and mobile-friendliness at the very heart of the initial development process.

The impact on user experience

This evolution towards Mobile-First Indexing places user experience at the heart of website designers' concerns. Optimization for mobile devices is no longer limited to a simple technical consideration, but becomes an essential element in maintaining and improving rankings in search results. Websites must now offer smooth navigation, fast loading times and an adaptive presentation to meet the expectations of mobile users.

The importance of adaptation and innovation

In this constantly evolving digital environment, adaptability and innovation become essential qualities. Businesses must quickly adapt to the demands of Mobile-First Indexing to remain competitive in the online landscape. Continuous innovation in web design and user experience becomes imperative to maintain optimal visibility in search results.

Challenges and Opportunities for Content Creators

This transition to mobile-first indexing presents challenges and opportunities for content creators and developers. SEO practices should be redesigned to align with this strategy, including optimizing content for mobile devices. However, it also opens up new opportunities to deliver richer and more engaging experiences to users, thereby consolidating their online presence.

Mobile-First in 2023

In 2023, it's official: themobile oriented indexing is fully operational. This progress continues with changes in Google Search Console, where crawl data by “computer” robots will be removed, the latter being entirely replaced by “mobile” robots.

Conclusion: user-centricity at the heart of the digital revolution

In conclusion, Mobile-First Indexing represents much more than just a technical change in search algorithms. It’s a user-centric revolution, inspiring content creators and developers to put user experience at the forefront of their minds. This evolution is driving a rethink of web design strategies, driving innovation and adaptability to deliver optimal online experiences for both users and search engines. Thus, the era of the Mobile-First index consolidates the importance of user experience as a central element of the contemporary digital landscape.



Esteban Irschfeld, SEO Consultant at UX-Republic