Content length: what impact on SEO and UX writing?

UX writing and SEO are two complementary disciplines which aim to improve the user experience of a website or application. UX writing aims to create clear, concise and relevant content for users, while SEO aims to improve the ranking of pages in search results.

The length of content is an important factor to take into account for these two disciplines. Indeed, it can have an impact on its ranking in search results, but also on the user experience.

Content length and SEO

How does content length impact page ranking in search results?

Search engines use a number of factors to determine page rankings in search results. Among these factors, we find the length of the content.

Indeed, search engines consider longer content to be generally more informative and relevant to users. Therefore, they are more likely to rank this content well in search results.

Factors taken into account by search engines to determine content length

Search engines do not reveal all the factors they use to determine content length. However, some of these factors are known to include:

  • The amount of information contained in the text,
  • The quality of the writing.

The amount of information contained in the text

Search engines consider that longer content generally contains more information relevant to users. For example, a 1-word piece of content on the topic “how to make pancakes” will typically contain more information than a 000-word piece of content on the same topic.

The quality of the writing

Search engines also consider the quality of the writing. Well-written content that is clear and concise will be more likely to rank well than poorly written content that is confusing and lengthy..


Content length and UX writing

How does content length impact user experience?

Content length can also impact user experience. Indeed, Content that is too long can be difficult to read and understand. This can lead to user frustration and can even push him to leave the page.

The principles of UX writing to follow to write content of appropriate length

To write content of suitable length, it is important to respect the principles of UX writing. These principles include:

  • Clarity : the content must be clear and easy to understand. This involves using simple and direct language, as well as structuring content in a logical way.
  • Conciseness: the content should be concise and should not contain superfluous information. This involves removing unnecessary information and rephrasing complex information in a simpler way.
  • Coherence : the content must be consistent and must not contain contradictions. This involves checking the consistency of information and correcting errors.


The benefits of detailed content

Long content allows you to cover a subject in depth

Long content allows you to cover a subject in depth. This can be useful in meeting the needs of users who are looking for comprehensive information on a topic.

Rich content helps meet user needs

Long content helps meet the user's needs by providing them with all the information they need. This can help improve user experience and increase the chances of conversion.

Complete content helps improve natural referencing

As previously explained, search engines consider longer content to be generally more informative and relevant to users. Therefore, they are more likely to rank this content well in search results.


The downsides of long-form content

Long content can be difficult to read and understand, especially for users who have little time or are unfamiliar with the topic. This can lead to user frustration and may even cause them to leave the page.

Rich content can be time-consuming to write

Writing long-form content can be time-consuming. This can require a lot of time and effort, including finding the information, writing it clearly and concisely, and structuring it logically.

Long-form content can be expensive to produce

Producing long-form content can be expensive. This may require the help of an experienced editor, as well as other resources, such as images or videos.

Tips for finding the ideal length

There is no hard and fast rule for the ideal length of content. The optimal length depends on the topic covered, the target audience and the company's objectives. However, there are some general tips that can help you find the ideal length for your content:

  • Analyze the competition,
  • Take into account the subject matter
  • Consider the target audience.

Analyze the competition

The first step is to analyze the competition. By looking at your competitors' content, you can get an idea of ​​the length of content that ranks well in search results. However, It is important to note that length should not be the only factor to consider. You also need to consider the quality of the writing and the relevance of the content.

Take into account the subject matter

The length of content should also depend on the subject matter. Some topics require more depth than others. For example, content on a complex subject like the global economy will need to be longer than content on a simple subject like cooking or the definition of a word.

Consider the target audience

It is also important to consider the target audience. Users who are experts in a field will be more likely to appreciate long, detailed content, while Novice users will need shorter, simpler content.


The importance of content length in a nutshell

The length of content is an important factor to take into account for UX writing and SEO. There is no hard and fast rule for the ideal length of content. This depends on the subject treated, target audience and company objectives. However, by following the tips above, you can find the ideal length for your content and improve the user experience and ranking of your website or app in search results.




Esteban Irschfeld, SEO Consultant at UX-Republic