The guide to being more productive in remote working

Despite a constant increase in telework in France, before the confinement, we counted only 30% of employees who were in home office in 2019 (Source: study by Malakoff Médéric Humanis).
In 2018, ¼ of employees said they use telework at least once a week.

Today, + 700 employees have started working from home!
Containment pushes us to change our working methods and constantly challenges us in our productivity. individual and collective.
You are today over 73% employees to think so, teleworking will become more democratic after the end of confinement.
How can you take a step back in your productivity, faced with this new environment?
How do you align your productivity with that of other team members?
Are there any tools that help with productivity?
First of all, let's try to understand why we would not be productive enough.
This study below shows us the main irritants of employees working from home.

In the top 5 of the reasons justifying the drop in our productivity in telework :

  1. The absence of boundaries between professional and personal environment
  2. Loneliness
  3. Communication and collaboration between teams
  4. Distractions at home
  5. Synchronization with other team members

Luckily, there are tons of tools and software out there today that can transform the way we get things done together!

# TeamTools my shot of the year !
For “followers,” like me, of new, easy-to-use products that allow you to be more efficient at work, I highly recommend this online tool for centralizing the best productivity products classified by #management, #design, #marketing, #development and #analytics. For the moment in beta version, I will give you a return soon as soon as V1 is online!


# Serene my shot of the week! 
Staying "focused", not always easy when we live with our family and especially in confinement, when our loved ones send us daily notifications!
The solution, eliminate your distractions and configure your goal for the day by planning the underlying tasks in minutes or hours to stay focused and meet milestones!



# Toggl : distractions aside, it's that much harder to time the tasks that took up the most time during the day.
It also allows to measure the productivity of a team.
Be careful all the same to preserve the margins of error and do not forget not to restrain your collaborator too much!

# Monday :   
You were asked a schedule of your main tasks and your sub subtasks?
You want to transmit an aesthetic deliverable, do not take too much time.
Do you also want to have an instant validation of your schedule? Forget the retrograde uses to create a diagram of Gantt hard to decipher!
Monday offers you spaces for collaboration of simplified schedules in real-time with your collaborators! It can manage up to 200+ employees!

# Sleep as an Droid  / Notion  / Asana
Are you addicted to to-do lists, retro-planning, reminders, all centralized on all your favorite devices?
These apps are for you!

# Doodle 
Meetings, conferences, workshops or tests, this still unbeatable tool helps you identify the best time slots for each member of the team.

Individually you also have the tool Calendly if you don't have an internal diary management tool.

How much do these tools cost?
Pricing per product below:

Serene Toggl Monday Sleep as an Droid Notion Doodle
Free 15 days Free 30 days
for basic features
Free try
8€ / month for the basic version
Freemium Freemium for basic features Freemium
4 € / month Between
9 and 18€ /month
16 € / month
as a team
4 and 8€ / month

Finally, to help you take even more perspective on your own productivity, I invite you to discover 6 great laws that help us to be more pragmatic as to the time estimate of our tasks!

Whatever its name: home-office, telecommuting, remote office… you have understood it well, teleworking is no longer a trend, but a new way of life.

Speaking of a "new way of life", what if today we transformed these tools professionals for individual and collective use by tools the staff ?

The key is not to spend time, but to invest it. Stephen R. Covey


Caroline DUMONT, UX/UI Designer @UX-Republic