“A culture that drives innovation isn't just good for company profits. It is also something that is valued by both the leaders and employees of a company. Despite the appeal of these cultures and leaders who claim... Read the article

Which designer are you?

The advent of the Internet had created a split between print and digital Designer in the early 2000s. However, for the past 5 years, Experience Design has contributed to giving rise to a multitude of new professions within the galaxy of Digital design. So, by… Read the article

User Story Mapping Workshop

Here is an animation review of the User Storymapping workshop, as proposed by Sophie FREIERMUTH, during FLUPA 2016. As a preamble, it is recommended to have done user research to have a well-defined persona and a clear objective before to start a Storymapping workshop. … Read the article

Value Proposal Design Template

Get out your scissors! Today on the blog we offer you a model, or template in the language of Shakespeare, for the Value Proposition Design workshop! Value Proposal? Invented by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, the Value Proposition Design workshop aims to define … Read the article