JS.Star Meetup Thursday night: Reason, PureScript, FP

Thursday evening, took place in our premises, the meetup JS.Star back to school, devoted to functional programming and high-level JavaScript languages. Find here the summary and the video.
The bad weather did not dampen the 80 people present on Thursday evening to attend this back-to-school evening. And what a program! For this fall, two talented presenters spoke to us about functional programming in JavaScript and high-level languages.
It is Yoan Ribeiro, (@yoanribeiro) FullStack JS developer at JS-Republic, which gets the ball rolling with its PureScript-flavored functional programming first aid kit. The opportunity for participants to dive back into the basics of this paradigm, all illustrated with examples of PureScript (a port of Haskell to JavaScript).

Matthias Le Brun (@bloodyowl), front-end lead at BeOpinion, continues with an introduction to Reason. Reason is a language built mainly by developers at Facebook and which aims to adapt / simplify the syntax of OCaml in JavaScript while keeping its strengths. During the presentation, Matthias provided us with a set of demonstrations of the power of the language compared to classic approaches in JavaScript and more particularly in React at the end of the talk.

If you want to relive this moment, you can watch the replay on our Youtube channel :

At an upcoming meetup JS.Star !