Hand in the shadows - UX Republic accessibility article

UX-Tools: accessibility

ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS AND STANDARDS [paragraph_big]How can small adjustments in our design work allow us to design applications for the greatest number of people? We were already telling you about those designed to simplify the lives of people with disabilities.[/paragraph_big] In France, 20% of … Read the article

Beyond console.log, episode 2

Previously, on “Beyond console.log” I will try in this article to give you some tips regarding the elements panel in DevTools. Conventional wisdom says that a bad workman always has bad tools. But a good web developer will never use the Internet Explorer console, except... Read the article

You probably don't need Redux!

People often choose Redux without actually needing it. “Will our application be scalable without?”. Then developers complain about the complexity introduced into their code: “Why do I have to change 3 files to run a feature?” Indeed, why? We blame… Read the article