Redux: Resources Range about Redux

Even if like Romain says, Too much tutorial kill tutorial, Here is a nice list of tutorial and resources about Redux.

Everyone can take away what he needs. Feel free via the comments to notify us other resources and why not yours?
What is Redux? (source:
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger.
You can use Redux together with React, or with any other view library.
It is tiny (2kB, including dependencies).
Books about Redux (Most of redux books are in progress at this time) :

The Complete Redux Book (in progress)
Everything you need to build real projects with Redux
How do I manage a large state in production? Why do I need store enhancers? How do I test middleware?
Get the answers to all these questions and many more using simple terms and sample code. Learn everything you need to use Redux to build complex and production-ready web applications.

redux_book_2Building React.js Applications With Redux – Available on March 2017
By David Geary (Author)
book-redux_3This book is for anyone wanting to learn about Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It is aimed at intermediate developers who have a good understanding of creating single page applications with JavaScript. Having an understanding of ES6, functional programming, and React will certainly help too, but isn't necessary. If you want to follow along with the examples you should also know your way around a terminal, and know what Node and npm are, as well as having them installed and ready to use.
book-redux_4Significantly revised and new code along edition. Learn React with 50+ reusable custom components. Apply JavaScript ES6. React Hot Loading. React Router. Redux. PostCSS, FlexBox styling. Database. Webpack packaging. Enzyme, Mocha, Chai BDD testing. ESLint and StyleLint. Browsersync.
An Introduction To Redux By Alex Bachuk Redux is one of the hottest libraries in front-end development these days. However, many people are confused about what it is and what its benefits are.
10 Tips for Better Redux Architecture (from Eric Elliott) The following are tips that will help you build better Redux apps. If you use Redux correctly, you're going to get major benefits:

  • Eliminate timing dependency bugs
  • Enable deterministic view renders
  • Enable deterministic state reproduction
  • Enable easy undo/redo features
  • Simplify debugging
  • Become a time traveler

But for any of that to work, you have to remember some rules:

  • Reducers must be pure functions
  • Reducers must be the single source of truth for their state
  • Reducer state should always be serializable
  • Reducer state should not contain functions

Also keep in mind:

  • Some Apps don't need Redux
  • Use constants for action types
  • Use action creators to decouple action logic from dispatch callers
  • Use ES6 parameter defaults for self-describing signatures
  • Use selectors for calculated state and decoupling
  • Always use TDD!

Learn Redux from its creator: Getting Started with Redux 30 free videos about Redux
Getting Started with React, Redux and Immutable: a Test-Driven Tutorial (by Nicolas Goutay) What follows is 2 parts tutorial that will hopefully guide you to the principles of the Redux way of doing things©. It is purposefully limited in scope (it's client-side only, so no isomorphism; a quite simplistic app) in order to keep it somewhat concise. If you want to dig further, I can only recommend the tutorial mentioned above. A companion GitHub repo is available here, which follows the steps to the final app and has a copy of this article. If you have any questions/suggestions on the code and/or the turorial, please leave a comment or – better yet, open a Pull Request!

A comprehensive react-redux tutorial Continuing the series of React-related articles, we'll try to make a comprehensive tutorial to the redux framework and its integrations with React, using the react-redux library. Redux can be used as an alternative to Flux (which we discussed in a previous article) to orchestrate the message passing between ui/components/data.
This tutorial will also produce as a result an opinionated (my opinion) boilerplate project for creating react-redux Single Page Applications. I have used Django as the back end however you could use any server-side framework you like, Django is only used for implementing a bunch of REST APIs through django-rest-framework. You can replace it with any other REST framework you like.
See you soon for a next resume about Ember.js
Sebastien, @JS-Republic
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