Join a team of passionate experts

JS-REPUBLIC is a company of enthusiasts, experts in JavaScript.
Our goal is to develop with our customers quality, secure and fast products and services that are part of the digital future.
The approach Craftmanship that we use at JS-REPUBLIC allows us to make high-quality tailor-made developments based on long-lasting architectures and tools.
We work alongside our clients in management, in a logic of support, expertise and transfer of skills.

next big language

We firmly believe that JavaScript is already the “next big language".
Now everywhere: Web, Desktop, Mobile, Connected Objects. It makes it possible to develop robust and efficient products quickly.
To do this, the expert JS developer positions himself more and more as the conductor, between the end customer and the back office.
The security and robustness of Web applications is, with the explosion of IOT and mobile, a strategic issue for CIOs who must be accompanied by experts in the choice of architecture and frameworks.
We place the Quality, robustness, the performance et Security at the center of our developments.
We use the latest JavaScript platform innovations ES6/ES7, TypeScript, Flow and tools such as React, Polymer, Electron, Ionic, combined with ultra-productive industrialization factories: JSPM, Webpack, browserify, babbel, npm, EsLint, Karma, Mocha, Sinon, Nightwatch


Our experts are above all people who are passionate about their field.
If you are eager to learn and contribute to building an ever more innovative Web, you will participate each month in a technology watch day and share your know-how with the community through conferences, blog articles or reviews. and will also be Open-Source contributors.
Agility being an essential value for us, if you are not already, we will certify you Scrum PO .
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