UX-CALENDAR – DECEMBER 25 – UX-Calendar 2021

One last surprise...

Merry Christmas to all! Our advent calendar is coming to an end to allow you to spend the holidays with your loved ones and rest after a year full of emotions. 

We do not forget to slip one last little gift under your tree, a complete calendar for the year 2021, ready to print, where the holidays have been redesigned in the light of terms related to our professions, our passions, our readings, our universe… shared with you!

A gift that we hope will be practical and that will arouse your curiosity. 



Adrien MASCUNAN, UX Designer @UXRepublic


Great hidden word game!
A hidden word has slipped into the text but has nothing to do with it. Yet this word is important to us. If, on the day of publication, you find it and post this article on Twitter first with the hashtag #CalendrierUXRepublic and the hidden word, you win a set of UX-Cards or a Set of Zoning Cards. Be careful, you can only win once... then you have to give others a chance 😉!