Home Training EXPERIENCE MAPPING # Intra


≣ Objective of the training

Through user empathy mapping techniques, customer journeys, and ecosystem mapping, you will learn methods for visualizing business value, identifying opportunities and pain points, and behavior change techniques.

This training will allow UX-Designers, Product Designers, as well as Service Designers and Product Owners understand how to use user experience mapping techniques to agree on its ideal projection.

An experience is something that is constructed in the mind of the perceiver. It's not something an organization owns. To map experiences, investigation into those experiences from the perspective of the individual is necessary. James Kalbach

At the end of this training, you will know:

  • Interpret by mapping customer journeys
  • exploit customer journeys to map the Future State of an existing product
  • To relate customer journeys at the Blueprinting Service
  • Examiner the customer's product ecosystem
  • Schematize behavior change analysis on customer journey mapping

≣ Appreciation of the training

Overall average: 9,3/10

  1. Organization assessment: 3,9/4
  2. Goal assessment: 3,9/4
  3. Evaluation of the service: 4/4

The ratings are the synthesis of the cumulative assessments of our trainees from 01/01/2021 to 06/01/2023.

≣ Pedagogical and technical modality

During these two days, you will benefit from an immersive training experience.
You will be required to implement all the standardized techniques of experience mapping in order to solve a concrete problem on the basis of a design challenge (creation of a service, design of an application, redesign of the customer journey …). Our consultant-trainer will accompany you in the realization of the various practices and their expectations.

Our training is based on the know-how of our consultants and illustrated by their feedback.

Our curriculum is designed according to the following principles:

  • Répartition learning time between 40% theory & 60% practice
  • Illustration mapping on concrete cases
  • Put into practice experience mapping
  • Trades regularly with the trainer and the participants
  • Evaluation and analysis by an expert trainer-consultant in cartography with experience

Educational materials: each of the learners has a USB key with the training materials (and/or sent by email if necessary).

Teaching materials : provision of materials for the various practices (post-it notes, markers, tape, scissors, etc.).

Technology: a large screen or a video projector is necessary for the projection of the training material and the practical exercises.


A 3-month access to OpenClassrooms is included to ensure a 360° increase in skills, know-how and know-how.
You will receive an email giving access to the OpenClassrooms platform when your training experience begins.

For this training, we recommend the course “Improve the impact of your presentations".


Learners with disabilities, we are at your side to identify the most suitable arrangements for teaching methods and materials or the relevant human aids.

For more information, contact our disability referent: referent-handicap.training@ux-republic.com / +01 (44)94 90 70 XNUMX XNUMX

≣ Duration of training

  • Duration: 14 hours spread over 2 consecutive days

≣ Evaluative modalities

  • A knowledge check in the form of MCQs or practical exercises is carried out during and at the end of the training. It allows to validate and take back the points not assimilated.
  • A certificate of completion of a training action is sent to the learner.
  • A copy of the attendance sheet is sent to the sponsor.

≣ Peripheral aspects of training

  • Training locations : face-to-face on your premises
  • Number of participants : max 8
  • Meals : at your expense

≣ Prerequisites

  • Have at least 1 first experience in the design of digital products or services (e-commerce, BtoB, etc.)
  • Know the fundamentals of User Experience

≣ Audiences concerned

Ergonomics / UX-Researcher / UX-Designer / Lead UX / Service Designer / Product Designer / Product Owner / Marketing Manager / Entrepreneur / CEO / Strategy Consultant / …

≣ Method and access times

  • To be definitive, an order must be expressly formulated on paper via the registration form on our site. For any registration, an acknowledgment of receipt and the training agreement are sent to the registration manager.
  • Access times may differ from 1 to 15 days depending on the method of payment. For all companies resident in France, the payment of the price of the training is to be made upon receipt of the invoice. For all companies resident outside France and people with a self-employed activity, the payment of the price of the training is to be made before the day of the training, in cash and without discount.

Time program

Day 1: Definition – Empathy Map – User Journey

1 - 1
Definition of Experience Mapping
- Understand the importance of cartography
- Find your way around the different methods
- Choose the right tool according to the project
1 - 2
Empathy map: user mapping
- Collect the right user data
- Synthesize user needs
- Converge towards a common vision
1 - 3
Customer journey map: experience mapping
- Identify the points of contact of a user with a product and a service
- Prioritize information
- Analyze and synthesize the results
- Identify the critical points of the course

Day 2: Experience Map – Actors Map – Service Blueprint

2 - 1
Experience map: emotion mapping
- Identify actions, irritants and emotions at each stage of the journey
- Imagine innovative solutions to address the problems identified
- Mastering group facilitation and management techniques for this workshop
- Harmonize visions at the end of the workshop
2 - 2
Actors map: ecosystem mapping
- Define the Actors Map technique
- Identify first, second and third level interactions
- Use the Actors Map canvas in the health sector
2 - 3
Service Blueprint: organization mapping
- Contextualize the use of the Service Blueprint
- Define contact points, channels and actors
- Understand the front and back stage systems
- Use the canvas in a scenario


December 30 - 31, 2021

Price excl.VAT





Within your premises

Next occurrence